What is HEAP?
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federally funded program administered by the Ohio Development Services Agency. It helps eligible Ohioans pay their home energy bill. The benefit is applied directly to a customer’s utility bill or bulk fuel bill. The amount of the benefit is determined by the number of people in the household, the heating source, and the region of residence.
Who is eligible for HEAP?
Ohioans with a household income at or below 175 percent of the federal poverty guidelines are eligible for the program. A household applying for HEAP must report total gross household income for the past 12 months for all members, except wage or salary income earned by dependent minors under 18 years old. Both homeowners and renters are eligible for assistance.
How To Apply!
To apply you need to complete the Energy Assistance Program application which can be found at your local SSOBC senior center, Belmont County Community Action Council, Department of Job and Family Services and Area Agencies on Aging. Along with a complete and signed application you need to mail proof of income for the past 12 months and a copy of a recent fuel/utility bill. All of this will need mailed to:
PO Box 1240
Columbus, Ohio 43216.
HEAP applications are available at the AAA9 office located at 1730 Southgate Parkway, Cambridge or you can call AAA9 at 1-800- 945-4250 to have an application mailed to you.
For more information:
Contact energyhelp.ohio.gov, and click “contact us” or call Toll Free l-800-282-0880, or (614) 644-6600. Hearing impaired applicants with a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) can call Toll Free 1-800-686-1557, or in Franklin County call 614-752-8808.
Assistance with applications:
HEAP applications and assistance in completing the HEAP application is available at your local senior center.
For seniors 60+ who are homebound, in-home assistance is available.
Call your local senior center for more information.