SSOBC is dedicated to providing seniors with the necessary nutritional supĀport to protect them against food insecurity, and to help them continue to live independent and fulfilling lives.
For many seniors, SSOBC’s Home Delivered Meals (HDMs) are the first service seniors request when seeking assistance to help them stay in their own homes and live independently. Many seniors face the threat of hunger due to limitations in their daily living activities, such as difficulties with walking, breathing, meal preparation, eating, and memory. Many seniors live alone and do not have family or neighbors to help shop for or prepare meals.
Without the meals supplied by our program, many seniors could be prematurely placed in assisted living or nursing homes due to their inability to shop for food or prepare their own meals.
Residents participating in the HDMs program must demonstrate a need for services. Meals are delivered countywide to qualifying seniors in their home AND to our 10 county-wide congregate meal sites. Meals are prepared fresh in a certified commercial kitchen, Monday through Friday by experienced cooks. All meals meet state and federal nutritional requirements. Diverse menus are developed and geared toward senior nutrition.
For additional information about our Nutrition Services, please contact:
Nutrition Administrator
67650 Oak view Drive
St. Clairsville, Ohio 43950
Telephone: 740-695-4142 / 1-800-200-0320
To Cancel Meal or Ingredients Call 740-695-4142 or 1-800-200-0320